Welcome internet travels to an exciting new website; this one! I am just getting started with this whole website and store management stuff but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.
So for starters, let's talk about what I have coming up in the next few weeks... let's see... hmm... statistics test on Wednesday, need to stay up late o get used to work schedule... hmm? Oh! Yeah, that's stuff I have coming up. But I meant to talk about what you will see coming on this website. For those of you who heard about my website a month or so ago and looked and only saw the "Website coming soon" page, thank you for bearing with me while I got everything in order over here. In the coming weeks I will be adding new pages that showcase my past custom projects as well as some of my current ones. For example, after I finish this post I will suit up and go work of dishing out some cops for my spaulders (you know, the round parts of medieval plate shoulder armor). I will post some pictures of the process when I get the chance. While you wait for that, please explore my site and let me know what you would like to see. Leave a comment below. Please be sure to check out what I already have for sell on both my Ebay and Etsy stores. etsy.com/shop/ForTheHonorForge ebay.com/usr/forthehonorforgestore Also, for southern California residents, if you need any events filmed, like weddings, graduations, homecomings, birthday parties or anything else that requires a videographer and a camera, please check out For the Honor Productions. I can personally attest to their professionalism, quality and service. Until next time, Firing Up, Stephen
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AuthorStephen is a professional archaeologist in the Riverside area and the sole proprietor of For the Honor Forge. Archives
April 2018
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